Visit Lubec Maine

Lubec... where the sun first rises and adventure awaits!

photo: Kathy Mosio

Groceries and Household Supplies

Lubec, Cutler, Trescott, Whiting, Pembroke, Dennysville, and Edmunds, Maine and Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada

The Inn & Restaurant on The Wharf

This is a featured listing!

Seaside Suites, Whale Watching, Yoga, Gifts, Kayaks, Bikes.

69 Johnson St.

Lubec, Maine 04652




Lubec Market

Lubec Market

Featuring locally grown Vegetables, Sweet/ Savory Baked Goods, Culinary Delights,Health Products, Fine Art,Crafts.

45 Water Street

Lubec, Maine 04652

(207) 733-4688



Additional Resources

***Buy Fresh Lobster at the Inn on The Wharf and H D & Sons Seafood***

Lubec, Maine 04652

Betty's Crabmeat

Pembroke, Maine 04666

HD & Sons Seafood

Lubec, Maine 04652

Lubec Hardware

Lubec, Maine 04652

Lyon's Market IGA, ATM

Lubec, Maine 04652

Lyon's Variety

Lubec, Maine 04652

McFadden's Variety

Lubec, Maine 04652

Monica's Chocolates

Lubec, Maine 04652

Smithereen Farm

Pembroke, Maine 04666

The Whiting Store

Whiting, Maine 04691

Tide Mill Organic Farm

Edmunds, Maine 04652