Visit Lubec Maine

Lubec... where the sun first rises and adventure awaits!

photo: Michael Chesley Johnson


Lubec, Cutler, Trescott, Whiting, Pembroke, Dennysville, and Edmunds, Maine and Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada

Judy Trafford

This is a featured listing!

The Inn and Restaurant on the Wharf

Seaside Suites, Whale Watching, Yoga, Gifts, Kayaks, Bikes.

69 Johnson St.

Lubec, Maine 04652




Tammy Fairchild

This is a featured listing!

Lubec Souvenirs, Shirts, Kites, Maine-made gifts, Local Art

Love at First Light on Water Street

Lubec, Maine 04652




Chuck Kniffen & Rhonda Welcome

Chuck Kniffen & Rhonda Welcome

Turtle Dance Co-Op

Lubec, Maine 04652



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Marty Saccone

Marty Saccone

Browse the large selection of images from Lubec and down east Maine. Available in all sizes.

PO Box 220

Lubec, Maine 04652




Additional Resources

Adam Woodworth Photography

Lubec, ME 04652

Ann C. Rosebrooks

Cutler, Maine 04626

Ann M. Oliver-Nickerson

Lubec, ME 04652

Annie and George Davis

Lubec, Maine 04652

Audrey Gross

Lubec, Maine 04652

Bonnie Beard

Lubec, Maine 04652

Chessie Crowe-Gartmayer

Lubec, Maine 04652

Debbie Olson

Lubec, Maine 04652

Dennis Drews and Jeanne Drews

Lubec, Maine 04652

Frank Van Riper and Judith Goodman

Lubec, ME 04652

Isabel A. and Moriah Curley-Clay

Lubec, Maine 04652

James O’Neil

Lubec, Maine 04652

Jean and Peter DeVeber

Lubec, Maine 04652

Jean Bookman

Lubec, ME 04652

Jeanne Backhaus

Lubec, Maine 04652

John Newell

Lubec, ME 04652

Joyce Morrell

Campobello, N.B., Canada E5E 1G3

Leslie Bowman

Trescott, Maine 04652

Lewis Richards

Trescott, Maine 04652

Lisa Tyson Ennis

Lubec, Maine 04652

Marilyn Alexa

Trescott, Maine 04652

Meri Fern

Lubec, Maine 04652

Michael Chesley Johnson and Trina Stephenson

Lubec, ME 04652

Nina Bohlen

3 Pike Lane

Lubec, Maine 04652

Patricia Fry

Lubec, Maine 04652

Patrick Owen

Whiting, Maine 04691

Ruth Kelsey

Campobello, N.B., . E5E

Sam Winch

Lubec, Maine 04652

Shanna Wheelock

Lubec, ME 04652

Sharon Yates

Lubec, Maine 04652

Shawn Costello

Lubec, Maine 04652

Sherry Ashby

Lubec, Maine 04652

Sheryl Denbo

Lubec, Maine 04652

Stephen Dinsmore

Lubec, Maine 04652

Thu Nguyen

Lubec, ME 04652

Tim Gaydos

Lubec, Maine 04652

This art and culture directory is made possible by a grant from the Maine Humanities Council and the Maine Arts Commission.