About Eastport
A Lubec, Maine, neighbor

With a 2010 population of 1331, Eastport was incorporated as a town in 1798 and adopted the form of city government in 1936. Eastport is on Moose Island at the junction of Cobscook and Passamaquoddy Bays. A causeway on Rte.190 now connects the island to the mainland. The Old Sow Whirlpool is between Eastport and Deer Island. A perfect area from which to telecommute.
Eastport is well known throughout the state for its Fourth of July parade and its New Year's Eve festivities.
Each year on Labor Day Weekend, the Salmon and Seafood Festival celebrates the commercial salmon farms in Cobscook, Johnson's, and Passamaquoddy bays.
The Eastport Pirate Festival on the second weekend of September has an extensive program of over 200 activities and events.
Shackford Head State Park encircles the west side of Broad Cove with 90 acres of beaches, coves and hiking trails overlooking Cobscook Bay.
The Tides Institute and Museum of Art, in addition to its exhibits, sponsors CulturePass, an online and regional network that promotes the cultural resources of the Passamaquoddy region.
Rayes Mustard Mill and Museum, has been grinding mustard since 1903.
The Eastport Arts Center, in the former Baptist Church built in 1837 on Washington Street, is a multi-use arts facility hosting musical, visual and performing arts year-round. The Arts Center includes seven constituent members: Eastport Gallery, Stage East, the Concert Series, ArtsBloom, Eastport Strings, the Northern Lights Film Society, and the Passamaquoddy Bay Symphony Orchestra.