Visit Lubec Maine

Lubec... where the sun first rises and adventure awaits!

photo: Pamela Metz

Government in Lubec, Maine

Law Enforcement

Washington County Sheriff's Department
Emergency 911
(Non-emergency 207-255-4422)

Lubec Town Hall and Fire and Ambulance Departments view larger photo

Town of Lubec

An elected 5-member board of selectmen:
Board Chair, Board Vice Chair, Board Members

Office address:
40 School Street
Lubec, ME 04652
Telephone: (207) 733-2341

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8am - 4pm



Town Administrative Positions

Administrator/Road Commissioner:
Town Clerk/BMV Agent/E-911 Addressing Officer:
Treasurer/Tax Collector/Bookkeeper:
Code Enforcement Officer
Wastewater Treatment
Animal Control Officer
Shellfish Warden
Public Works


Downeast EMS Ambulance

Located at the Lubec Fire Station
Offers 24/7 emergency and transfer service to Lubec, Trescott, and parts of Whiting and Edmunds. Also is mutual aid to Campobello.

Administration office is located in Baileyville.
Office Tel 427-6100
Fax 427-6110


Fire Department

Located at the Town Office
Voluntary department with a Fire Chief